Getting ready for SSI adoption
SSI is eassi

Why should you use eassi technology
As a verifier, you can use eassi as a gateway for requesting and obtaining qualified data, that is data with assurances that you require, e.g. regarding its provenance, integrity, etc. This saves you valuable time and money as you no longer need to validate the data yourselves. As an issuer, you can use eassi as a gateway for providing qualified data, simply by providing such data with assurances. Integrity and provenance are automatically added, and additional assurances may be provided by specifying credential issuing policies.

eassi allows users to use the wallets they like
Users want an SSI-wallet that they can use with many web services. eassi allows users to use their wallet of choice. This relieves organizations of having to build, support and maintain their own app and integrations with other wallet apps. eassi provides those integrations as a service.
eassi helps you adopt SSI
You are in an organization that wants to experiment with or adopt SSI. You ask yourself how your applications need to change, what the impact is on your business processes, what the business case is that convinces the board to adopt SSI. eassi enables you to quickly realize a first SSI that helps you to gain the experience you need to convincingly present the results to the board.
Connecting to eassi is easy
eassi provides you an API to which you can redirect your end-users to obtain or share credentials. That is it!
Issuing credentials is easy: you provide a JSON data object containing the credential payload to the eassi API. Then eassi handles the required interactions with the end-user and their wallet.
Verifying credentials is easy: you specify which credential type you request. Then eassi handles the required interactions with the end-user and their wallet and provides you the qualified data as a JSON data object.

Supporting additional wallets is easy
The eassi framework allows for integrating additional wallet apps by means of wallet specific adapters. This allows for flexibility and maintainability of a large set of supported wallet apps. You as a verifier or issuer organization determines which apps satisfy your requirements, thereby effectively limiting the kinds of apps the user can use. We continually add wallets and because eassi is open source, you can develop adapters yourself.